Cyberpunk 2077 will receive a sequel in the form of the codenamed Project Orion but given how early in development that project is, it feels like a given that it won’t land during the current console generation.
CD Projekt RED are hard at work on the next instalment in The Witcher franchise with Project Orion set to land beyond that.
With that in mind, it’s likely that the game will launch on the PlayStation 6 and Xbox’s next-gen console, alongside a PC release.
Given that Cyberpunk 2077 is already an industry leader when it comes to graphics, it’s entertaining to ponder what a next-gen Cyberpunk 2077 sequel might look like.
Our friends on PC are already living in the future, it seems, with a recent graphics overhaul of Cyberpunk 2077 possibly teasing what the next generation of consoles has in store for us.
If you haven’t yet checked out the Phantom Liberty expansion, you most definitely should.
This graphics overhaul comes from popular YouTuber Digital Dreams who sought to give the game a Ghost in the Shell feel by implementing over 100 mods.
The end result is sleek, smooth, and offers the glossiest surfaces you’ve possibly ever seen in gaming.
As always, Digital Dreams has provided a free mod list if you want to follow in this creator’s footsteps in giving Cyberpunk 2077 an even more-so futuristic overhaul. This can be found in the video’s description.
“Wow. I like the photorealistic look of it,” wrote one viewer, while another added, “Visually impressive and very atmospheric.”
Could the PlayStation 6 realistically boast these kinds of graphics? That’s somewhat impossible to say. We have no idea what Sony is cooking up.
That being said, Xbox did previously tease that their next-gen console will showcase “the largest technical leap you will have ever seen in a hardware generation,” as per the special episode of the Xbox Podcast.
With that in mind, we should see a major graphics boost - especially when you think about previous jumps we’ve seen in the industry. For example, the PlayStation 2 transitioning to the PS3, or PS3 to PS4.
Let’s not wish time away though. The current console generation has so much left to offer us.
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, PC, Mods