The DC fandom doesn’t need an excuse to replay the 2015 classic that is Batman: Arkham Knight.
Still, we also doubt they’re going to turn down a free download inspired by Batman: Caped Crusader.
As far as most fans are concerned, Batman: Arkham Knight is one of the greatest action games ever made.
You’re welcome to debate this all you want, but we’ll be busy enjoying this beautiful new mod.
Similarly to how Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 has a unique Miles Morales outfit inspired by Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, ‘Cel-Shaded Caped Crusader Batman’ introduces an outfit inspired by the stunning Batman animation.
Batman: Caped Crusader is a phenomenal DC series that’s exceeded expectations.
You really should watch Batman: Caped Crusader if you haven't already
Created by Xatriya and Spider-Matt 2099, this NexusMods addition is sure to prove a hit even with fans not as keen on the Amazon Prime series.
There’s already plenty of positive comments.
“Man, you guys really got the cel-shading down, not a fan of the show but great job,” said user MStill.
“This is a work of art,” remarked another impressed player, “[The] show’s really grown on me ever since I learned about it, reminds me back of the Saturday mornings when you were a kid.”
NexusMods user sleepaum was seemingly lost for words, only able to type, “Amazing, wow.”
As explained on the download’s page, the final version of the mod was a group effort to make.
“HUGE thanks to Spider-Matt 2099 for helping me with the cel-shading and for fixing up all the of the UPK files. Thank you too to everyone in the Arkham Workshop Discord server who helped and gave their opinions on the suit when it was being made.”
Few can deny how beautiful this freebie is.
We didn’t think it possible, but Batman: Arkham Knight just got better.