It has almost been a full decade since Assassin’s Creed Unity was first released but now the French Revolution inspired setting has received a new-gen overhaul.
It may not be considered as one of the best in the series, but Assassin’s Creed Unity can still hold its own in the much-loved Ubisoft franchise.
Check out the trailer for Assassin's Creed Unity below!
Taking place in Paris during the French Revolution, the story follows assassin Arno Dorian as he attempts to expose the powers behind the Revolution whilst seeking revenge for those who murdered his adoptive father.
As the eighth major instalment in the Assassin’s Creed series, there is no denying that Unity is quite outdated by today’s graphical standards.
However, thanks to Youtuber Digital Dreams, we can now take a look at what the 2014 title would look like on new-gen consoles.
With complete ray tracing, LOD fixes, no fog and ultra graphics, we can see Assassin’s Creed Unity as we have never seen it before and the results are stunning.
The almost ten-minute video shows Arno Dorian as he stalks the streets of Paris, bursts through crowds of people and enters palaces along the way.
It is easy to see how much of an improvement this is: colours are brighter, shadows are sharper and lighting is more realistic.
It seems as though viewers agreed with the comments filling up with praise for Digital Dreams’ creation.
“Underrated game, looks absolutely stunning, even without ReShade. Great work!” One comment read.
Another said: “Damn it looks crazy, better than a lot of actual games! Unity is still one of the best AC out there.”
If you want to try it out for yourself, you can check out Digital Dreams’ modlist here with all available for free via Nexus Mods.
Alternatively, you can visit their Ko-Fi page to download ReShade presets or even just show your support.
Let us celebrate the ten-year anniversary of Assassin’s Creed Unity in style.
Topics: Assassins Creed, Ubisoft, PC, Mods