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Palworld drops major free download you can claim now

Palworld drops major free download you can claim now

It's a big one!

After Summer Games Fest, we found our excitement for Palworld again.

In case you need a quick refresher, during Summer Games Fest, a massive free update was announced for the controversial game.

Finally, that Palworld update is here.

There’s a ridiculous number of changes, additions, and fixes to go through, so buckle up, folks.

Here's the Palworld update reveal for you to enjoy

New Island - Sakurajima

⤷ A new island has appeared! Sakurajima!

⤷ Take control of the tower protected by a new faction "The Moonflowers", and free this beautiful island from their control!

⤷ Sakurajima is home to many new Pals! Explore and find new species!


⤷ An arena has appeared in the Desiccated Desert! Battle against other players to assert your dominance!

(Multiplayer exclusive content)

Stronghold - Oil Rig

⤷ An oil rig controlled by the Rayne Syndicate has appeared in the ocean! Work together with your friends to defeat powerful enemies and claim valuable resources such as crude oil!

Player level cap raised to 55!

⤷ Players can now adventure to level 55!

⤷ New technologies available

⤷ Upper limit for Pal's capture bonus has been increased from 10 to 12

New Resource - Crude Oil

⤷ You can extract crude oil by unlocking and placing a new building, the crude oil extractor, in certain spots around the world

⤷ New high-tier equipment and spheres can be crafted using the new material Plasteel which can be made from crude oil

New Raid - Blazamut Ryu has arrived! The strongest Dragon Pal in the game!

Meteorite Event

⤷ Meteorites or supplies will fall from space sometimes! There may even be an unknown Pal from outer space too...!?

Tower Boss Hard Mode

⤷ Each tower boss now has a hard mode, allowing you to face them in their ultimate form!

New Merchant - Medal Merchant

⤷ A merchant who will exchange a new item Dog Coin for rare items!

This only scratches the very surface; if you want to see the notes in full head to this post to read to your heart’s content.

As for that PlayStation release tease for Palworld, we don’t have any further details as of yet.

Not that it matters – you have more than enough to get on with.

Featured Image Credit: Pocket Pair Inc.

Topics: Palworld, Steam, Xbox, PC