This trick would have saved us so much time and effort.
When I learnt about this new The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time secret, I asked my editor to confirm it simply because it seemed too easy... too obvious.
Yet, I, like many other Nintendo fans, are reeling after seeing it.
Remind yourselves of the 3DS days with The Legnd of Zelda: Ocarina of Time trailer
When tackling the Water Temple, did you know you can freeze Blade Traps? Seriously, after all this time, to learn such a neat yet simple trick is humbling to say the least.
“20+ years of playing this game and I’m learning this now…” remarked @That100firegirl, as if they’re able to read our minds.
Elsewhere, another Twitter user said, “Played probably 10+ times and never knew this sh*t.”
As you can see, this is brand new information for the majority of us. So much so, that it pains me to call myself a Legend of Zelda fan when I don’t know such details.
The video of this trick in action has sparked many replies, the majority of which are people screaming “WHAT?” at the top of their lungs.
But, when you stop to think about it, is it really so surprising so few of us knew to do this? After all, typically we all visit the Zora before the Gerudo, and as we all know, you get the Ice Arrows from those feisty ladies.
“Thank you! Ooooh, another reason to tackle Gerudo Valley first!” replied @jigglyclops. “A shame you need the Longshot in the Spirit Temple... this is why we can't have nice things.”
How you play Legend of Zelda games really does impact how easily you can breeze through.
If nothing else, this secret reminds us that switching up our tactics is hugely beneficial to Link.
I can’t help but wonder what else we’ll discover all these years later, and how foolish we’ll all feel about it.
Topics: Nintendo, The Legend Of Zelda