Pokémon Diamond and Pearl fans rejoice, as we’re finally getting some new Generation 4 content in the form of a Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket update.
As revealed in a trailer on the @PokemonTCGP Twitter account, two brand new packs featuring Dialga, Palkia and a whole bunch of Gen 4 Pokémon are coming to Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket before the end of the month.
“Making its way to your phones everywhere on January 30, Pokémon TCG Pocket's NEWEST digital expansion. Space-Time Smackdown,” states the press release.
Over in a thread on the r/PTCGP subreddit, Generation 4 fans were extremely happy to see a new event based on Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
“As someone who strongly believes Pokémon overdoes it with the old gen representation, I'm very happy with this,” commented user playthegame7.
“GEN 4 IS HERE LETS GOOOOOOO,” replied user Hero_tact_Miles.
“Hopefully Dialga is good. He is my favourite Legendary next to Giratina, which, judging by what is said here, might be A2a.”
Pokémon Legends Z-A is set to land this year.
However, it’s not all positive, as a lot of players are upset that the new event has seemingly skipped over a certain generation entirely.
“As a Gen 2 fanboy, my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined,” commenter user Exact_Tiger_7420.
“Kinda was hoping for Gen 2, but if we can get some Dark & Metal Exs plus Eeveelutions, I’ll be happy,” replied user PSIOlivia.
Personally, it is a bit weird they randomly decided to skip over Pokémon Gold and Silver’s generation, as I was under the impression that it’s the most popular generation of both Pokémon and games.
However, that could be why they’re saving it. If Pokémon Trading Card Game Pocket’s player numbers ever begin to dwindle, a Gen 2 update would likely bring thousands of players back.
Still, we don’t know all of the cards included in the pack yet, so there could still be some Gen 2 representation on the horizon. We’ll have to wait until the end of the month to find out for sure.