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Nintendo fans hyped for Switch 2 left cold by surprise announcement

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Nintendo fans hyped for Switch 2 left cold by surprise announcement

Bait and Nintendo Switch

Exciting news, Nintendo fans! The video game giant just revealed something huge! Could this be it? The fabled Nintendo Switch 2 announcement that internet leakers have been teasing for months?!

Nope, it’s just Spotify for Nintendo music.

Last night, Nintendo revealed Nintendo Music; a music streaming app that comes as a packaged deal for anyone with a Nintendo Switch Online subscription.

Anyone who has been desperately searching for a way to listen to the Pikmin 4 soundtrack while they pump iron down at the gym is probably thrilled, but the other 99.99% of the internet is not best thrilled… because the rest of us have been expecting a Nintendo Switch 2 reveal for the past six hundred years.

Nintendo has also been on a reveal hype train over the past month too, announcing basically everything except the Nintendo Switch successor.

The Nintendo Alarmo is cool and all guys, but does it have a setting that’ll wake me up once the Nintendo Switch 2 trailer finally drops?

Look, at this point we know everything about the bloody thing. Leakers have revealed what games we can expect, what it’ll probably end up looking like, and even what its name is going to be. The only thing we don’t know is when Nintendo is planning to announce it.

The r/GamingLeaksAndRumours subreddit shares this exasperated sentiment, with the majority of the comments in the Nintendo Music reveal thread being solely centred around the fact that the reveal wasn’t for the next Nintendo Switch.

“They are announcing everything, but the Switch 2 lmfao.” said user Animegamingnerd.

User OVODON mimicked this, stating “Nintendo announcing everything under the sun except the thing we all want.”

So, when can we expect Nintendo to actually drop the reveal we’re all waiting for? Well, tinfoil hat time, but I would assume soon.

The sheer number of announcements and reveals they’ve been dripping feed us lately makes me think that they’re showing all of this stuff off now, so these smaller reveals don’t get buried under the eventual Nintendo Switch 2 hype train.

I swear guys. It’ll be soon. Trust me (and the fifty thousand leaks we’ve had about it so far).

Featured Image Credit: Nintendo

Topics: Nintendo, Nintendo Switch