The previously underwater kingdom of Hyrule from The Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker will soon be explorable in its entirety thanks to a fan project.
Now I can’t lie, Zelda: The Wind Waker isn’t one of my favourite Zelda games, though to be fair most of my issues with the Nintendo GameCube version were apparently fixed or tweaked for the Wii U remaster, so perhaps another playthrough is in order.
Unless the game comes to the Nintendo Switch first, which would be the ideal outcome
One of the key gameplay mechanics of Wind Waker is its expansive ocean, which was caused by a great flood that swallowed Hyrule and took all of its secrets with it.
Now though a project is being undertaken to remove the ocean and remodel Hyrule underneath it, allowing players to explore it in its entirety and see what it used to be like.
It’s called Wind Waker: Unflooded and is being managed by Joe Kendrick, and will keep the cell-shaded art style that makes Wind Waker stand out from the other Zelda games.
At the time of writing the project is around 70% complete but the results so far are impressive nonetheless, and the finished thing will be a sight to behold.
If you’re interested you can see videos of the project on YouTube and one day you might even be able to play it online.
I love projects like this, and it’s nice to see classic games like Wind Waker still having such an impact on gamers so many years later.
While I didn't fully vibe with the game I do think it’s got one of the best stories in the series so far, and the reveal that Hyrule was beneath the player throughout the whole game was a real standout moment for me on my playthrough.
Topics: The Legend Of Zelda, Nintendo, PC, Mods