Our fellow The Lord of the Rings fans, we have cause for celebration, for a new RPG has been officially teased.
We’re not talking about the adorable looking Tales of the Shire, but rather about a grittier adaptation of the series.
The teaser is subtle, though, and thus little has been given away.
What we can gather is that this new adventure will be a board game... and that’s about it. We can make many assumptions from the teaser, but solid evidence is harder to come by.
Have you seen the Tales of the Shire trailer yet?
The artwork depicts Gollum hunched over, caressing the ring while in the depths of a cave, possibly the cave that Bilbo visited in The Hobbit; it would be a fitting way to connect this upcoming tale with lore we already know.
“One ring to rule them all,” reads the announcement’s caption.
It’s seriously not much to go on, we know, but it looks stunning – that one image has us eager to see the art of the full game.
We don’t know who the artist is yet, however, we do know that Repos Production will be the publisher of this new chapter in The Lord of the Rings narrative.
The title for this new RPG has yet to be revealed.
If you’re enjoying riding the speculation train, elsewhere the fandom is certain that a remake of The Return of the King will follow OG Battlefront releases. It's not much, but it gives us a smidgen of hope that our time is coming.
As avid fans of LOTR, we can’t wait to see exactly what this new journey into Middle-earth has in store for us. We anticipate grappling with moral dilemmas, maybe tossing the odd dwarf here and there (minds out of the gutter, people).
Whatever this board game throws at us, we’re ready to lend our bow... or our awkward wit, if nothing else.
Topics: Board Games, The Lord Of The Rings, TV And Film