Mass Effect 5 has been teased by the game’s developer, encouraging fans to play a specific DLC in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
The next Mass Effect game is going to be huge, we’ve already seen what BioWare is capable of with Dragon Age: The Veilguard and with confirmation that the next game will retain the hyperrealistic art style from previous entries it’s all sounding great so far.
See Dragon Age: The Veilguard below
While we don’t know a whole lot about Mass Effect 5 it has been confirmed that it won’t mess with any of the endings you did in Mass Effect 3, as part of BioWare’s commitment to respect the choices of its players.
Though in a new teaser fans are being encouraged to play Lair Of The Shadow Broker before the game comes out, a DLC that was included in Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
Now this could mean a lot of things, as some fans pointed out in a Reddit thread discussing the teaser.
“It could easily be a real hint, but the best kind of hint... that reveals basically nothing” said one fan who shared a full list of what the teaser could be implying.
Others considered it a stretch, saying the developer’s recommendation to play a DLC pack is “hardly a good basis for speculation on the next game.”
“Yahg discovered mass effect technology and is now a problem as the basis of the game?” suggested another user.
Again, it could mean a lot of things or it could mean absolutely nothing. Mass Effect 5 is still in development and presumably early development considering Dragon Age: The Veilguard only launched this year.
This teaser from the developer could just be a red-herring to throw fans off the real plan for the game, or just a tactic to stir up some hype as fans look forward to the next project.
Topics: Mass Effect, EA, Bioware