It’s never easy to replace a well known, beloved voice actor after they’ve died, but after much consideration, Bungie has chosen Keith David to replace Lance Reddick in Destiny 2.
Commander Zavala is a iconic character, having won players over with his smooth tones and matter-of-fact attitude. He’s one of the first characters a lot of fans think of when they look back on their Destiny campaigns, so when the news broke that Lance Reddick had unexpectedly passed away, fans not only mourned, they wondered aloud who would succeed him.
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Not just anyone could step into those shoes, which is why it’s taken Bungie some time to carefully consider who will embody the role respectfully, yet bring their own flair to it.
On 10 August, Bungie finally made their announcement, revealing popular voice actor Keith David as the new Commander Zavala. Their statement read: “Lance’s iconic voice led us through the most intense moments in Destiny’s history and his impact on our Guardians, our community, and Bungie as a whole will never be forgotten.”
Bungie continued,“Keith David, a prolific actor on the stage and in television, film, and games, will assume the English language voice of Zavala in The Final Shape and beyond. Separately, Lance’s existing lines in-game will remain untouched for the upcoming release.”
David is well known for many roles, though a lot of gamers will remember him fondly as Captain David Anderson from Mass Effect. The veteran actor has also voiced characters in Rick and Morty, most notably the president, and so he’s no stranger to stepping into unique roles.
Speaking for the first time since the announcement, David expressed his gratitude on Twitter via a video message to fans, while also praising the legacy that Reddick left behind.
The first time fans will hear David as Commander Zavala will be in Destiny: The Final Shape, which will conclude the main story arc that has spanned a whopping 10 years. We think you’ll agree that it’s a fitting way for David to make his appearance.
The Final Shape is slated to be released in early 2024 on current-gen consoles, though the date could change.
Topics: Bungie, Xbox, PlayStation, PC