When GTA VI is finally here, we’ll look back at all these delay rumours and laugh; sadly, that isn’t going to happen any time soon.
After the first trailer was revealed, we’d hoped to have seen a few more glimpses of the upcoming GTA VI by now.
Yet Rockstar Games has starved us of information.
It’s left fans with little to go on and thus truly bizarre criticism of the trailer has trickled through over the last few months.
This GTA VI trailer is starting to real like the one true ring from LOTR
Criticism has also turned to ire, especially after an insider claimed that the new GTA was going to be delayed until 2026.
However, those claims have since been shot down by Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier.
Taking to Twitter, Schreier attempted to put an end to all these rumours by stating that as far as he’s aware, there are no delays planned.
“Good news is that six Rockstar employees all told me they have not heard of any delay,” he posted, before adding, “Bad news: it's a big, ambitious game and could very well slip! Too much time left to say anything definitive.”
The “bad news” part of the tweet is what’s divided fans.
Delays are possible, nobody denies that; however, it’s one thing thinking that and another to see the possibility spelled out in black and white.
Moreover, when Schreier continued saying, “For all I know, Rockstar's executive team could have decided months ago to delay GTA VI without telling the company,” it further raised concerns among fans that a delay is likely.
It feels like a safety net statement for when the inevitable happens and the internet implodes.
Countless fans are delighted that “that sh*t” isn’t real - referring to the 2026 delay rumour – yet they also say they’re “fine” with delays if they happen.
“Tbh, I'd prefer a delayed good game rather than a rushed bad game,” posted one fan.
Taking into account how hyped gamers have been about this title even before the trailer was released, this notion of being okay with delays seems flimsy.
We pray we never have to find out if that’s the case, and that a second trailer is coming before we all end up six feet under.
Topics: GTA, GTA 6, Rockstar Games