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GTA 6 release date is about to cause us one major problem

GTA 6 release date is about to cause us one major problem

This doesn't look good, does it?

Why must the nice things we want be tarnished before we even get them? With GTA VI’s release date vaguely in sight, it has us worrying about another game we’ve been waiting for.

Poor Fable.

Maybe you haven’t been waiting as (im)patiently as us for the new Fable title, but Rockstar Games’ new GTA could run the car off the road before it has a chance to gather speed.

The car analogies might be overdone here, but our worries are extremely valid considering how close together these two games will launch.

Have you seen how entertaining the new Fable is?

As a franchise, Fable has had many ups and downs. Consequently, it seems an interesting choice to release the game so that it's forced to compete against GTA VI.

Verge’s Tom Warren has claimed that Fable is aiming for a “Fall 2025” launch window, which obviously means it runs the risk of being overlooked when GTA VI releases.

Even if it launches beforehand, GTA will dominate in a way few other games can ever hope to; it's a truth that remains even if it should unexpectedly flop.

Granted, this many games coming out all at once means that 2025 will be a “banger of a year”. Still, it also means that a feeding frenzy is on the cards.

“Personally, I don’t think it’s a good idea for any publisher to target a late 2025 release with Rockstar’s juggernaut,” posted Twitter user @videotechuk_.

They added, “This is going to be an Elden Ring situation again that killed all exposure for Horizon Forbidden West.”

Is this a “signing of their own death warrant”? Many fans of both series believe so, with some suggesting that Fable should be delayed to avoid such a painful demise.

Of course, between now and the intended launch, both games could run into issues that force them to aim for a later release date.

We just hope that whatever happens, Fable survives.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: Fable, GTA, GTA 6, Rockstar Games, Take-Two