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GTA 6 leaked file size is much smaller than 750gb, so you can relax

GTA 6 leaked file size is much smaller than 750gb, so you can relax

GTA VI's file size just got leaked, and it's not as bad as you'd think

GTA VI’s file size has reportedly been leaked, but don’t worry, it’s not as big as you’d think.

Granted it’s probably early days to be discussing GTA VI’s file size, after all we now know the game isn’t due to launch until Fall 2025 thanks to a Take-Two Interactive earnings call.

Check out the trailer for GTA VI below

While the release date is still worlds away, at least we now know when to expect the game, with the last real piece of the puzzle being official gameplay not consisting of cutscenes and cinematics.

Now to add to the information we do know, it’s believed the game’s file size has been discovered online.

According to a Reddit thread by Denso95, which lists a variety of leaked info about the game including the new and improved Wanted Level system, the game’s presumed file size was shared.

Apparently the developer build where leaked gameplay was shown was around 80GB in size, and it’s predicted the full game in 2025 will be around 200GB when all is said and done.

For reference GTA V was around 100GB, whereas Red Dead Redemption 2 was 150GB, though given the supposed size of GTA VI’s world it wouldn’t be a huge surprise to see the size be even larger..

Worry not though, it won’t be large enough to need its own hard drive, and you should hopefully have space left over for other games, hopefully anyway.

Now the wait is on for Rockstar Games to release the second trailer for GTA VI, which fans hope will show off actual gameplay and confirm the latest leaks and rumours about the game.

Unfortunately there’s no telling when the second trailer will drop, though it’s expected to be shown at some point before the end of the year.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA, GTA 6, GTA 5, Rockstar Games, Grand Theft Auto