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Fans left confused over GTA 6's title

Fans left confused over GTA 6's title

Some Grand Theft Auto fans believe the next game won’t actually be called Grand Theft Auto VI, for some reason.

Some Grand Theft Auto fans believe the next game won’t actually be called Grand Theft Auto VI, for some reason.

Rockstar Games did the unthinkable last week, it acknowledged the next Grand Theft Auto game and confirmed a trailer will be released sometime in December. Specifics weren’t shared, but many believe it could be announced during The Game Awards, whereas others think Rockstar will stick to using its own social media channels and website.

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While fans are ecstatic an announcement has finally been made, especially after the disappointing lack of news in October, many were left a little confused by the wording Rockstar used.

It started by stating the company’s 25th anniversary was on the way, and that it’d be followed by “the first trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto.”

Fans noticed how it didn’t say anything about Grand Theft Auto VI, just another Grand Theft Auto, prompting discussions around whether it’ll be the sixth mainline entry, or a spin-off similar to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas or Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

Luckily one fan shared a post on Reddit saying: “To debunk the discussions surrounding GTA VI’s unannounced title, the next GTA will in fact be called VI. These are LinkedIn pages of confirmed Rockstar devs that were discovered months ago, all calling the game GTA VI/6.

Fans were oddly relieved as many were reportedly worried the next game could be some sort of reboot, or become some sort of live service game rather than just the next game in the series.

“Thank god. I'd hate it if it was called just GTA.”

“The name is something that could easily be changed but it 100% shouldn’t. All the suggestions like just ‘Grand Theft Auto’ or ‘GTA Vice’ are stupid.”

“I can’t honestly believe people think the game is going to be called something other than GTA VI. It’s not like the past iterations used Roman numerals or anything but go off.”

Obviously we’ll know for sure when the first trailer drops in December, though in the meantime it’s pretty safe to say it’ll be called Grand Theft Auto VI.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA 6, Rockstar Games