Next year is going to be packed full of Fallout content sure to keep us busy until Fallout 5 (we hope).
In a similar vein to Cyberpunk 2077, Fallout 76 has undergone a transformation.
What was once an underwhelming, arguably disappointing experience, has since become a popular game within the Fallout fandom.
We're super excited to play as a ghoul in Fallout 76
It’s doubtful it’ll reach the level of praise that Fallout: New Vegas has, but few games ever do.
My point is that Fallout 76 is a hotspot of activity right now.
Fortunately for the thousands of players who can’t get enough of this on-going experience, there are several updates on the way that are designed to keep us distracted from the far-off release date of Fallout 5.
Bethesda has revealed its roadmap for the next season of Fallout 76, and it’s looking pretty sweet, my fellow wastelanders.
Season 19, titled ‘The Scientific Forge’, will begin on 3 December.
While you might not have known the official name of the upcoming season, you’ve known about some of its content for months now.
The Gleaming Depths marks the start of this new chapter.

As we’ve covered previously, this is a massive new release chock full of new content. From tough boss battles to adorable, snuggly pets, the Gleaming Depths has a little something for everyone.
‘The Scientific Forge’ delivers more than raids and pets, though.
Come March 2025, Fallout players will be able to play as a ghoul.
This additional content will mark the coming of Season 20, further proving that 2025 will be the year of Fallout.
There are also many events between December of this year and March of next.
Should that not be enough content for you, or perhaps not something you’re interested in, there’s a new survival horror that’ll scratch that Fallout itch.
Don’t let us catch you saying there’s nothing to do in Fallout 76, as it’s simply not true.