In the grand scheme of things, Fallout 4’s Super Mutants are unnerving. They’re not the most horrifying monster in the Wasteland, but they rank highly.
Turns out though, they could have been even more uncomfortable to look at. We know, we didn’t think it possible either.
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Jonah Lobe, the creator behind these Fallout 4 creatures, posted on Reddit revealing that the Super Mutants were originally “more human” in appearance.
Lobe explained, “I wanted to inspire the designers to give them quests and more speaking roles, so I made this image to try and show off their potential emotional versatility.”
“Unfortunately, I was overruled, and we went with the more thuggish versions you see in-game,” they added.
Later in their post, Lobe made it clear that their being overruled was due to a lack of people available to create quests for the NPCs, and thus it was ultimately a “bandwidth issue”.
Maybe it’s just us, but seeing these normally brutish creatures look so human makes them more frightening.
Others were less afraid and more impressed by the original design, however. “You made the super mutants giga Chads and I respect that decision,” joked Redditor Cadaclysm.
Someone else said, “Those faces are meme templates, for sure.” To which, Lobe responded saying they could be used for that purpose.
Even despite having their designs turned down, Lobe still has a lot of love for these creations and how they’re used by the fandom.
Maybe Amazon’s Fallout will encourage Bethesda to reconsider these designs – after all, they’d be easier to replicate than the enormous bulk of the Super Mutants we see in game.
Should this artwork never see the light of day other than via a Reddit post and some news articles, at least we got to enjoy some behind the scenes content from Fallout 4’ s development.