If you’ve recently returned to Fallout and are finding levelling up difficult, you’re not alone.
The Wasteland is brutal in Fallout 4. Consequently, being able to save up lots of bottlecaps and level up fast is key to your survival.
Problem is, not all of us want to use mods in order to achieve this.
Before you turn your back on your purist ways, there is a way to unlock “unlimited” bottlecaps and level up quickly without compromising your principles.
Just know, behaving like Fallout’s Lucy from Amazon’s adaptation might prove tough when dealing with surface folks...
One of the ways to start off on the right foot in Bethesda’s beloved title – despite your kid having been abducted – is to make sure your Intelligence Perk is set to at least 7.
Be smart; play Fallout 4 the right way
As you figure out how to escape from the vault, make sure to collect all the bits of scrap you see discarded; take whatever isn't nailed down.
Then once you’ve out in the big, wide world, you want to head to Sanctuary and open up that workbench.
Scrapping is the name of the game here, specifically scrapping steel.
This is because, by being able to craft certain traps, you can level up ridiculously fast. As HSG Unlimited explains in their video, the specific traps you want to craft are Caltrops.
All you need are five pieces of steel to make them. Churning out as many of these as possible will level you up in a short amount of time, thus giving you that advantage over your enemies later on.
Caltrops in hand, head to Diamond City and begin selling those babies off to make a killing.
“I've been looking for a way to make a lot of caps. Thank goodness you shared this with us! Thank you, man, it spared me a lot of time,” said a fan.
These are just the basics of what to do, we suggest watching the full video to make sure you do every step properly.
After all, if you’re going to play the system, you need to have your wits about you.
Now go forth, my fellow Wastelanders, and enjoy rolling in all those sweet bottlecaps!
Topics: Bethesda, Fallout, PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Steam, TV And Film