Cyberpunk 2077 is a fantastic open-world game, and Night City is a glorious backdrop to some futuristic shenanigans.
It’s a big place though and when you’re not following the main story or embarking on side missions you might find yourself just cruising around and taking in the sights, which is when the impressiveness of the world design truly starts to sink in.
Take a look at Cyberpunk 2077 below
One Cyberpunk player was doing exactly that when they found themselves at the coast staring out at enormous structures standing in the water.
The game doesn’t explain what they are, which prompted the player to ask the community what their purpose is on Reddit.
They said: “I took this image from a beach in Pacifica. The structure to the right, according to the map, are the launch pads for the Orbital Air space port. What are those five structures in the centre there? Is there lore for it?”
Turns out they’re not just for decoration and have an actual purpose, as one commenter said they’re “barrages against the AI controlled self-replicating sea mines that make moving by boat near impossible unless you have a whole military fleet escorting you. They make the bay safe-ish.”
Apparently getting into Night City by sea is pretty much impossible if you don’t have a strong military presence backing you up, which explains why the majority of transport happens by air.
It’s amazing how much attention to detail CD Projekt Red put into the world design, and telling of the state the world is in during 2077.
Weather the next Cyberpunk game takes place in Night City or expands the borders to another part of the world is unknown, but if the seas are filled with mines it rules out any charming seaside destinations…
Topics: Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red