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Army Of Two fans are begging for a remaster

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Army Of Two fans are begging for a remaster

Army Of Two fans are begging for a remaster

We all have that one game from our childhood that we would love to see receive a remaster or reboot. With the first three Tomb Raider games recently getting a revival, players have seemingly come together to talk about which game they would like to see for current-gen and one title has popped up quite a bit.

This week saw the release of Tomb Raider I–III Remastered which added a new lease of life to the first three Tomb Raider games from the 90s. With remasters and reboots becoming more and more popular, it is no surprise that players are eager to see some of their favourites receive the same treatment and one game especially is Army of Two.

Check out Tomb Raider I–III Remastered below!

First released in 2008 for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, Army of Two is a third-person shooter game developed by EA Montreal. As the first game in the series, you follow the story of Alpha and Bravo, two deadly mercenaries “who’ll take on the toughest missions with unbeatable tactics”.

By upgrading your arsenal with customisable weapons and armour, you will be able to execute bold strategic plans in order to get the upper hand. With the game made to be played with a friend or with the help of an AI partner known as Partner Artificial Intelligence, teamwork is the key to survival.

Despite two sequels following in 2010 and 2013, fans are still eager to see a remaster of the original Army of Two and they took to r/gaming to share their thoughts.

“Can we please just get a remaster of Army of Two?” Read one post. “That game was a gnats wing short of greatness. I remember it so fondly, although that may be partly due to my little 12 year old brain I had when playing it. I would play the death out of that.”

It wasn’t long before other Army of Two fans appeared and it appears as though EA Montreal would have a modern-day hit on their hands if the remaster went forward.

“Reboot with it keeping the core exp being two players against the world where teamwork and fighting back to back is the essence? Yes”, one reply read.

Hopefully EA hear the pleas of its fans and greenlight a new Army Of Two game, unlikely, but we're not giving up hope just yet.

Featured Image Credit: EA Montreal

Topics: EA, PlayStation, Xbox, PC