So many people think they are true Pokémon masters, but they may fail to realise that they have fallen out of touch with the ball bound beasts quite a while ago. With generation nine's surprise announcement, the total number of pocket monsters has now crept over 900. In fact, there are so many now that it's hard for even the most seasoned fans to keep up.
Streamer Avghans has been taking to the streets to challenge the public to be the very best. For every Pokémon he shows someone, that they can guess correctly he will give away $1. People have been thinking that this task is easy money, but it seems he's made a very safe bet. Of the eleven Pokémon shown in the video, the public were only able to guess four correctly. A lot of people on the street even struggled with their generation one starters.
If you think you can tell your Flareon from your Charmeleon then you can watch Avghans in action in the video below.
By the end of this year, there will be a whole new cohort of Pokémon to memorise. So far Game Freak have only announced the three new starter Pokémon, though a number of old favourites have also been confirmed to be included. Once Pokémon Scarlet and Violet release before the end of 2022, there will likely be around one thousand mini monsters to keep in mind. There are spoilers for the video above ahead so only glance at the next paragraph if you want to know the answers.
For those playing along at home the Pokémon shown in order are: Sinistea, Vanillish, Ditto, Wailord, Torchic, Impidimp, Wartortle, Rhydon, Raichu, Miltank and Geodude. And yes, those are all real Pokémon.
Topics: Pokemon