Epic Games Store is giving away one of the greatest multiplayer shooters of all time Payday 2, for free just in time for the third game’s reveal.
Payday 3 is on the way with a recent reveal trailer giving us a tiny glimpse of what it might have to offer. More has been promised, including a full gameplay reveal, as well as an official release date, all of which is set to drop over the summer.
Very little is known about the game up to now, except it’ll mark the return of New York City and the original gang members from the first Payday game. One thing is certain though, it’s going to have big shoes to fill if it wants to surpass its predecessor, Payday 2, which is currently free as part of Epic Games Store’s MEGA 2023 sale.
Take a look at the game in action below.
That’s right, Epic Games Store members can add one of the most popular PC games to their library for a limited time. The game can be downloaded and kept forever from June 8 to June 15, excluding the paid DLC expansions that were released alongside the game.
Payday 2 sees players plan and execute a series of robberies alone with AI or in a team with friends. You can approach the heists in a variety of ways, whether it be stealthily or full guns-blazing. There’s also a variety of gear to customise load-outs, including weapons, masks and perks that alter gameplay.
Payday 3 will likely expand on features found in the previous entries, as well as hopefully add some destructive new weapons and gear, in addition to some sweet new masks, so you can rob New York in style. If you’re a fan of the series or simply want to catch up on it prior to the launch of Payday 3, it’s well worth adding Payday 2 to your Epic Games library, especially since it’s free.
Topics: Epic Games, PC, Free Games