In the interest of transparency, I would act as the disbelieving husband in any and all paranormal activity that befell me. I would be the one standing in the dark basement saying with a smirk, "look, there's nothing here," before being yoinked into the other dimension with nary a wedding ring to remember me by in the 60 minutes til the end of the film.
The Paranormal Activity series started off strongly yet waned with every entry. 2021's Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin released on Paramount+ as a result of the pandemic, though this might have been the best thing for the film, because it didn't impress the masses. Perhaps, the series should shift to a new format, and it appears that Blumhouse Productions is experimenting with that precise thought.
Here's an incredible prank that frightened the wits out of this poor dad playing a VR horror game:
“For some time we have been looking to build out a team to start accessing the growth opportunity in interactive media,” said president Abhijay Prakash in a press release. “When we sat with Zach [Woods] and Don [Sechler] they articulated an approach that resonated with Blumhouse’s model and we knew it was a perfect place for us to start our push into the interactive space.”
Zach Woods and Don Sechler have a wealth of experience to drive Blumhouse Games. Woods has produced games like Twisted Metal, Hohukum, BlackSite: Area 51, Sorcery, Rampart, Rampage 2, Rampage World Tour, and more. On the other hand, Sechler was formerly the chief financial and operating officer for partner-facing business unit for PlayStation.
The idea is that Blumhouse Games will approach smaller scale developers with projects boasting budgets less than $10 million, which is comparable to its strategy in the cinematic space, too. Specifics haven't been named at this point, understandably, but the company is looking to invest in games across platforms.
Topics: TV And Film