I don’t know how we’re supposed to get any work done with this revelation that you can now play the original Diablo in a web browser.
The game was originally released for PC back in 1997 and was an enormous hit that spawned several sequels and a huge bump to the RPG genre and creating a sub-genre called ARPG.
Diablo 4 is currently in its fifth season and isn't slowing down
Now you can while away the hours grinding for epic loot in one browser while pretending to do spreadsheets in another window.
Just make sure your boss doesn’t notice.
The shareware version that is found in WebAssembly via Git will limit you to using a Warrior class, but you can upload your MPQ file if you own the original game and play the full version in a capable browser.
This also allows you to upload your old save files and download new progress to use offline.
Fans of the original game can play it on most modern hardware, but this is the first time you’re able to play in a browser, which opens it up to playing during dull office meetings.
While we don’t promote slacking off at work, it would be rude not to at least give it a try and head into a dungeon while someone is waffling on about KPIs and product markups.
What’s better than whacking some skeletons and looking for high-roll stats on loot while your boss is none the wiser?
Let Karen from accounts go into her latest changes to the percentiles of her PowerPoint presentation while you’re casting spells in a browser window.
Diablo is a great time, no matter what version of the game you’re playing.
The latest incarnation, the fourth in the series, is currently doing great guns across all platforms and is expanding further and further every month. It’s a great time to be an ARPG fan.
Topics: Diablo, Diablo 4, Blizzard Entertainment, Activision Blizzard