When it comes to constructing a swanky gaming PC, people have loads of options. A lot of the time, most of the effort goes into choosing and fitting the inside components, of course - you don’t really want to make an entire PC from scratch that isn’t powerful enough to run all the games you want to play.
But then we get to the aesthetics, and oh boy are there some creative people out there. Someone really had the thought process to fit a working PC into a fish tank, because that’s obviously a thing that should exist. Or, how about in a toilet? Yes, an actual toilet, which still flushes and fills with water. How either of these things actually still function is beyond me, but it’s very impressive.
Take a look at that aforementioned fish tank PC below.
Now though, there’s some great news for Lord of the Rings fans. As reported by Nerdist, you can preorder two gorgeous LOTR keyboards, which boast fully translated Elvish and Dwarvish keys, respectively. That’s right - if you’re a talented individual who knows how to read and write in the languages of Middle-earth, these are the perfect way to show off your skill. That, or if you just have good enough muscle memory to type without looking. Most of us probably fall into the latter.
The keyboards, from Drop, can be preordered for $169 each (roughly £142) right now - both are expected to be shipped out on 14 October, so you won’t get them instantly, but there’s not too long to wait. Also, if you take a closer look, you’ll see that all the keys have their English translations included (in smaller text), so don’t worry, they’re not totally incomprehensible if you’re not fluent.
Topics: The Lord Of The Rings, PC