The next Iron Man movie is in fact taking the storyline of the anticipated Armor Wars TV show and repurposing it into a feature film.
Armor Wars is a seven-issue Iron Man story arc published in the late 1980s which follows Iron Man as he discovers that Stark technology has been stolen and sold to supervillains. At any cost, he tracks down those who are using his armor with the aid of Scott Lang - and we know that Walton Goggins (who plays Sonny Burch in Ant-Man and the Wasp) is signed on for the project. Additionally, Justin Hammer is central to the comic book storyline, and he was played by Sam Rockwell in Iron Man 2, so there's a possibility that Rockwell might reprise his role.
Check out the trailer for Secret Invasion, which arrives in early 2023, here!
As such, it's imagined that the film will largely follow the plot of the comic book arc, with a couple of alterations. Tony Stark passed away at the end of Avengers: Endgame and so the task to return the powerful technology into the right hands will fall to James Rhodes instead. Moreover, Armor Wars will pick up the events of Secret Invasion.
“In the trailer, you see that he’s got to confront Nick [Fury.] He and Fury are gonna go at it throughout this show, as far as what they need to do, given what’s happened on this planet at this point,” said actor Don Cheadle in an interview with Variety. “It’s kind of a thriller and a different kind of show than you usually see in the MCU, which is great that we can continue to keep changing it up and switching it up. It’s lots of fun.”