We already knew that The Callisto Protocol was going to be a gory one. The upcoming survival horror game is being directed by Glen Schofield (co-creator of the Dead Space series), and aims to be “the single most scariest game for PC and consoles”. Which is reason enough for me to stay far, far away from it, because frankly, I do not have the guts. But for those brave enough, it’s looking pretty fantastic, and the latest gameplay trailer showcased last night during Gamescom was perhaps its most gruesome one yet.
Take a look at the latest trailer for The Callisto Protocol below, but be warned - it’s not for the faint of heart.
As you can see, the trailer showcases some of the brutal ways that players will be able to take out enemies. Beyond the regular shooting, stabbing and smashing, it seems that players have access to some sort of kinesis mechanic, which can be used to suspend foes in the air, as well as throw them. This can be used to dispatch monsters in very bloody ways - just… watch it for yourself, if you have the stomach for it. We also see one of the grim ends that can befall the player - be warned to stay clear of any fans in the game, unless you want to get yourself sliced in two.
It’s not surprising that the title is so gruesome when you consider that the devs studied “a lot of real-life examples of horror and gore” as research, which I can’t imagine was a fun part of the development process, but hey. It certainly seems to have given them results.
The Callisto Protocol is set to release on 2 December for PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Series X/S, and PC.
Topics: The Callisto Protocol