Last week, Netflix’s brand new Resident Evil series finally released for all to see, and uh, it certainly exists. Critic reviews were super divided - while GameSpot praised the show as “the best adaptation of the zombie franchise yet”, Collider told the complete opposite story, saying that “in a franchise full of poor adaptations, Netflix’s new Resident Evil series might be the worst yet”.
For the avoidance of doubt though, the general audience of the series have since proven to be far from impressed. Over on Rotten Tomatoes, at the time of writing, Resident Evil has earned itself an abysmal 25% audience score, from a total of 1172 user ratings. And, as you probably imagined, people have not been holding back when it comes to their criticisms. Let’s go through some highlights, shall we?
Before we get into it, take a look at the trailer for Resident Evil below to see what we're dealing with.
“[It’s] like somebody played a game of telephone with the writers describing what they half remembered from the games and movies then passed the script through [today’s] culture filter,” wrote Sean B. “All in all, I would definitely kick this show out of bed for eating crackers.”
“So so so bad. I could only watch 20 minutes at a time before some incredibly stupid character decision or other nonsensical nonsense forced me to take a mental health break,” Chris L said. “But like gone off milk you just have to know how bad it smells…”
“This show shouldn’t feel like a chore to finish but it does,” Danny A slated. “Cringe dialogue, [two] timelines that intercut [are] very disjointed. Minus a couple great zombie kill scenes this show is just bad. Who ever wrote this series needs to be disciplined. I’m in utter disbelief. Makes the Paul Anderson movies look like the Citizen Kane of Resident Evil.”
Things clearly aren’t all bad, though, as Guillermo G writes: “It’s a great way to fall asleep in less than 15 minutes!”
Oh dear. To be fair, it’s probably not too surprising that things turned out this way - the trailers released prior to the show’s premiere didn’t exactly spell great things. It’s a shame, for sure, but at least Resident Evil fans are already used to being disappointed by less than stellar adaptations.
Topics: Netflix, Resident Evil, TV And Film