The person behind Need for Speed Unbound's Twitter has hit out at a fan that poked holes in its wording for a promotional post, calling them a "milkshake brain" and telling them to "cry about it." Though the Tweets are now deleted, it's certainly proving a spicy point in the community.
Let's set the scene. The Need for Speed Unbound Twitter account advertised the pre-order bonus for the upcoming game that offers players three days of early access to Lakeshore, with the caption, "You asked and we listened." Then, user @KyloZen0 replied: "Hold on - what did we ask for and what did you listen to, exactly? To pay more to get 3 days early access?" The social media manager implied that Kylo's literacy wasn't as good as they thought it was and then the fan accused them of being anti-consumer.
Check out the trailer for Unbound here, boasting a brand new art style:
This devolved into pot shots like the Need for Speed account holder calling Kylo a "milkshake brain" and saying "cry about it bro, or buy regular price [I don't care]." Kylo then explained that they were intending to purchase Need for Speed Unbound but they have no interest now owing to the way they'd been spoken to. Take a look at screenshots of the Tweets here:
It's provoking a lot of contention in the community as some are arguing that the social media manager isn't necessarily in the wrong. "Customer service will do that to a person," said one. "Customer service dealing specifically with gamers? That might be worse."
"Social media managers also need to realise that the account represents the company on that platform," replied Twitter user @uthmanchoudhury. "It's corny and [people are] gonna look back at it terribly." Time will tell, I suppose.
Topics: Need For Speed, Twitter