Opening Twitter in the morning has become a very different experience in recent weeks. It used to be something I’d look forward to - seeing what my friends were up to, checking out the latest goings-on in the entertainment world... Now, I wake up every morning to catch up on a Big Brother-esque episode except it’s just Elon Musk farting around in a company he has no idea what to do with.
In case you missed it, Elon Musk is now the official owner of Twitter after spending an eye-watering $41 billion on the social media platform earlier this year. Musk did attempt to back out of the deal but Twitter forced it through, and I do wonder if they’re regretting that choice. Since then, Musk has placed his focus on firing staff and changing the verification icon every three days, sort of, but it’s his latest Twitter poll that’s really got people talking.
This week, Musk took to Twitter to ask its users whether he should step down as the company’s CEO. The result? Yes. The final tally shows that 57.5% of people voted in favour of Musk stepping down, with 42.5% voting for him to stay - which is more than I expected. The next question is: who will replace him? Well, YouTuber MrBeast has thrown his hat into the ring.
As reported by ComicBook, following the result of the poll, MrBeast took to his account to write, “Can I be the new Twitter CEO?” which actually drew a response from Musk. “It’s not out of the question,” Musk replied. Why am I not surprised? The thing is, I’d love to imagine that this is all a joke but MrBeast is known for his elaborate stunts. I can imagine the YouTube video title clear as day in mind, ‘I was Twitter CEO for a week’.
We’re going to have to wait a little bit longer to find out who will succeed Musk in the day-to-day running of Twitter. All we can hope is that it’s someone with the right credentials. That can’t be too much to ask for, surely.
Topics: World News, no article matching, Youtube