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Mass Effect cut content surfaces online as fans mourn what could've beenMass Effect cut content surfaces online as fans mourn what could've been

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Mass Effect cut content surfaces online as fans mourn what could've been

Turns out that a planet full of mafia thugs was scrapped from the OG Mass Effect

The Mass Effect games have a lot of cut content, too much to feasibly cover in a single article.

It shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise, really. BioWare made sure that all three games were absolutely chocked full of content, so it’s understandable that some stuff ultimately had to end up on the cutting room floor.

Plus, we all know what happened with Mass Effect 3 at this point. As the game’s ending was revised at the final hour, some stuff had to fall by the wayside so they could get the game out in time.

Although a lot of the info regarding all three games’ cut content has been public knowledge for a while now, some folks over in a thread on the r/masseffect subreddit are only just finding out what they missed out on.

“They took out the free prostitutes!?” commented user NeroXLIV, “Now Bioware has gone too far.”

Ok so jokes aside, that “Free Prostitutes” cut assignment is super interesting. Caleston was originally planned to be a planet you could visit in the first Mass Effect, until it was ultimately replaced with the planet Therum.

Mass Effect 5 will land eventually.

Much like Therum, Caleston was supposed to be where you’d have originally found Liara T’Soni. The difference is, Caleston was planned to be more of a city than a one-off location you’d visit for a single mission (like Therum ended up being).

There were four total missions planned for Caleston (including the aforementioned “Free Prostitutes” mission), such as a large-scale assault on a drug cartel in the mission “Last Man Standing”.

You would have also apparently met someone called Charlie Booker (no relation to the British comedian Charlie Brooker, I assume) on Caleston, who could have customised the Mako for you.

If you’re interested in reading some more about what was cut from the games, I highly suggest checking out the Mass Effect Wiki pages for both Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2’s cut content.

From what I can tell, the wiki doesn’t have a page for Mass Effect 3’s cut content. There is a bunch of it out there though, so have fun falling down that Google rabbit hole.

Featured Image Credit: EA

Topics: Mass Effect, Bioware, EA

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