We’ve had the teaser trailer for Mass Effect 5: Epsilon for quite a few months now, and while more information is thin on the ground, we do know which way the game will go regarding the ending of the third game.
If you weren’t there for it, Mass Effect 3 came out, and ended and fans were in uproar. It was an awful ending. So bad that fan demand made BioWare go back in, rewrite it, and patch the game.
Mass Effect is still a game held up by many as one of the finest RPGs ever made
In preparation for the future Mike Gamble, Franchise Producer and Executive Director, spoke on what’s coming next in a blog post.
“We've asked ourselves many of the same questions you've asked us over the years!”
He went on to explain the questions the team had been asking themselves since Mass Effect 3 ended.
“What happened to everyone you know and love in the games? Who really died? Who had kids with whom? What does a baby volus sound like? What about all the galaxies? The endings! What the heck is going on with our asari scientist-turned-Shadowbroker?”
He specifically mentions “The endings!” Plural. If you never finished the third game, the original ending finished off with you picking a colour of laser weapon and eschewing a boss battle for a defense mission.
The ending itself was extended, and I won’t spoil it in case you want to play the games, and it satisfied some of the audience.
It still left a lot on the table and Mike’s comments seem to reflect that the fifth game, which should take us back to Sheperd after Andromeda, will examine all of the ending choices.
How this will be done, your guess is as good as mine, but it looks like BioWare will do their best to tie up all of the endings in a neat bow, making all of them (?) Mass Effect canon in some way.
Topics: Mass Effect, EA, Bioware