Spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home ahead, read on at your own risk.
One of the most exciting things about the closing moments of Spider-Man: No Way Home for a grizzled Spidey veteran like me was seeing Tom Holland's transformation into a more familiar Peter Parker.
The MCU Spidey has, for better or worse, been a very different take on the character. Younger, more than a little irresponsible, and far too willing to run to friends like Iron Man and Doctor Strange at the drop of a hat. That's why it was so satisfying to see our hero finally learn to stand on his own two feet by the end of No Way Home. To do what's right no matter the cost.
And so it is that the movie's end sees Peter living alone in a crummy apartment, rent looming. He's got no Stark tech to help him, just a police scanner and a homemade suit that evokes the earliest designs of legendary artist Steve Ditko.
The suit, in particular, is a thing of beauty, and I can't wait to see it properly in the next Spider-Man movie. Until then, one dedicated fan has modded the suit into Marvel's Spider-Man, and it looks ace.
As you can see below, the modded suit is basically a slightly altered version of the game's classic costume. The only real difference is that the blue parts of the suit have been brightened up and made to shimmer and shine, just as Pete's suit at the end of No Way Home does. A minor touch, but one I can't get enough of.
Here's hoping Insomniac adds an official version of this glorious piece of spandex in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 next year.
Featured Image Credit: Sony/MarvelTopics: PlayStation, Spider Man, Marvel