HBO’s adaptation of The Last of Us has been branded the best video game adaptation of all time, but that doesn’t mean that fans haven’t found any flaws. Before the series debuted, it was made clear that the show would feature less violence than the game yet plenty of fans are now claiming that this has been taken too far and The Last of Us is in fact lacking in action.
The latest instalment ‘Left Behind’ is one of my personal favourites but I can’t say the same for everyone. It’s already the lowest-rated episode this season - although it has been review-bombed by homophobic trolls so do take the rating with a pinch of salt. Riley actress Storm Reid has been praised for her ‘phenomenal’ performance and even has the perfect response for those spewing hate towards the series’ LGBTQIA+ themes. Fans just can’t help but feel though that The Last of Us doesn’t have enough action.
Take a look at the promo for episode eight, “When We Are In Need,’ below.
Reddit user DrunkenMonkey03 wrote, “Anyone else wish there was a little more action? Disclosure: I like the show a lot so far, just the last few episodes it’s been more apparent. While I understand they can’t show the characters going Duke Nukem on enemies, I personally wish they had a few more encounters with infected/raiders. Just a little disappointing coming from the game to the show. It feels really empty sometimes.”
Many agreed. Syncopyinc added, “While I love everything about the show, I think there should be a little more action/horror/violence. The TV show world seems easier to survive in over the game which is super brutal and violent,” while sexandliquor said, “I would have been okay with another scene or two of encounters with infected. I have a feeling the scene we got with the bloater may be the only bloater we get, but I’m not sure.”
Dreams_NS_Reality1 wrote, “That’s the only thing I haven’t liked about the show so far. Can’t we get like one extra scene of Joel and Ellie going into a building scavenging and encountering runners and maybe a clicker?” plus just–so noted, “It's not that I particularly want more action scenes, but I would like to feel more like the infected and raiders are a more pervasive threat in the world.” I’ll admit, I’m with the fans on this one. An extra couple of encounters wouldn’t have hurt.
Topics: The Last Of Us, Naughty Dog, TV And Film