I’m sure I’m not the only one who had a bit of trouble when they were younger convincing their parents that video games are a good idea, actually. We see ideas thrown around all the time by wider media and older folks that gaming is bad for people (particularly kids), and emphasises violent and graphic content - and those thoughts can stick with people.
Personally, I remember the struggle well - from the age of about five, all I wanted was to own my own handheld and play a bit of Mario, but my parents, who only really knew of video games as gritty, blood-drenched shooters, were less than pleased. With some perseverance (and probably a lot of annoyance), they eventually came around, but having lived that experience, I can’t help but relate to this kid, who’s been going viral online for attempting to convince his parents to let him get an Xbox in the funniest way.
Before we get into it, be sure to take a look at this incredible carbon fibre Xbox controller below.
The video was shared on TikTok by the kid’s mum, who explained: “My son wanted an Xbox One for his 9th birthday[,] so he created a PowerPoint on his own pleading his case.” In the presentation, he adorably explains that he wants the console so he can play with his dad. He adds that he really wants to play Madden NFL 22 (which he emphasises isn’t violent), and even includes a link at the end of his slides to help his parents buy the console.
Clearly, his presentation skills did the trick, as in the mum’s next TikTok post, the kid is surprised with the console for his birthday - along with Madden NFL 22 and NBA 2K15 - and his reaction is too pure. “We were so impressed with your PowerPoint, and you’re a good boy. I love you, happy birthday,” his mum says. D’aww.
In the update video, the youngster also gets a second controller as a gift, so we can only assume that he’s been having a lot of fun playing with his dad since then. You absolutely love to see it.