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It Looks Like Family Guy Is Coming To 'Fortnite'

It Looks Like Family Guy Is Coming To 'Fortnite'

Hey Lois, this is just like that time all those other characters were featured in 'Fortnite'.

People scouring the footage looking for potential leaks in Epic GamesState Of Unreal yesterday (5 April) have spotted that Fortnite could be receiving a Family Guy crossover.

The showcase which functioned as a form of debutante’s ball for its super realistic game engine, the Unreal Engine 5, contained a lot of new information for gamers to get excited about. The biggest of these announcements was that Crystal Dynamics, developers of the Tomb Raider reboot, is working on a new game for the franchise, developed in the state of the art engine. However, it wasn’t only the games that were openly announced which people ended up being focused on.

If you want the lowdown from the last time people thought that Family Guy would be coming to the battle royale then take a look at the video below.

This is not the first time people thought the Griffin family were coming to Epic’s popular battle royale, Fortnite. Back in February 2021, dataminers found video clips from the popular cartoon inside the game. Classic scenes such as the one where Peter hurts his knee, or his extended fights with the guy in the chicken suit were included, giving everyone hope for a crossover, though nothing of substance ever appeared. 

Now the rumours have resurfaced thanks to a little something spotted during the presentation. One twitter user polaqwym captured a screenshot during the extended section on Fortnite which showed a developer’s computer set up. Down the very right-hand side of the screen there were a number of folders with different titles. One of them was called Family Guy which is what gave rise to the resurgence of the rumours, though others such as DOOM were also spotted.

Fortnite has been known to crossover with any property it can get its mitts on. Master Chief, Rick And Morty, and even the guy from the ‘Stonks’ meme have managed to make an appearance, so while this could be a part of a hoax it wouldn’t be unusual if Peter Griffin ended up parachuting down to the island.

Featured Image Credit: Epic Games / Disney

Topics: Fortnite, Epic Games, TV And Film