If you’ve just returned from a three week trip to outer space, let me fill you in. Hogwarts Legacy is the talk of the town. Despite the controversy surrounding author JK Rowling’s transphobic comments, Hogwarts Legacy has proved to be an immense commercial success, surpassing everybody’s expectations.
Already, Hogwarts Legacy is the most successful Harry Potter game of all time. Let’s not forget that the title is yet to launch on PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch - with those release dates falling in the next four months - yet it’s already sold a whopping 12 million copies in the first two weeks of release alone. Witches and wizards have racked up over 267 million in-game hours and have killed over one billion so-called ‘dark’ wizards. Fans have been vocal about what they’d like to see improved but for many, it’s reignited their love of gaming.
Have you spotted this cool Hogwarts easter egg yet? Take a look below.
Reddit user TommyShelbyPFB took to the site to write, “Hogwarts Legacy made me fall in love with video games again. Playing this game brought back childhood memories of playing Metal Gear Solid, Syphon Filter, Silent Hill - just experiences that are atmospheric and feel fresh and mind-blowing at the same time, and I'm not even a Harry Potter fan. I haven't seen a more detailed vibrant fun world since Red Dead 2 and in some ways, this game is even more impressive which is no easy feat.”
They continued, “The endless crazy detailed indoor environments are just mind blowing. The combat is fresh and addictive, it doesn't feel like every other third person game out there. All the mechanics are perfectly implemented with snappy gameplay. And the music, god damn. [...] The game is a 10/10 for me and I could nitpick at its open world tropes but the fact is, as an adult, it's the first game that made me feel like a kid playing video games again. [...] Couldn't imagine what it would be like playing this as a kid just now starting to discover video games.”
Plenty agreed. User shah_moo wrote, “It scratches that nostalgia itch hard, and 20 hours in I’m still having fun and loving the setting - and I only just got to fall,” while OneLastAuk added, “It’s fantastic for my kids who have very little exposure to open world games and love Harry Potter. I really loved the set designs in Hogwarts and Hogsmeade.” It does feel magical. That you cannot deny.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros