It has been a few weeks since Avalanche Software released its summer update for Hogwarts Legacy and despite initial disappointment, the modding community are now on hand.
The summer update for Hogwarts Legacy arrived in July and brought with it a handful of new cosmetics, a new mission (if you hadn’t already done it on PlayStation) and a photo mode.
Check out what was included in the summer update for Hogwarts Legacy below!
Although photo modes are a highly-requested feature for most game releases these days, it wasn’t overly appreciated by Hogwarts Legacy fans.
With people calling for more content, better cosmetics and an overall revival of the slowly dying title, its photo mode was quite overlooked.
However, thanks to one modder, the new feature has already received an overhaul and it is definitely a reason to boot up your game and take some incredible shots of your witch and wizards.
PhotoMode Enhanced by nathdev over on Nexus Mods not only adds a new way to access the mode in-game but it also adds 191 new poses for female and 206 for male characters.
The mod also adds a whopping 1167 new frames as well as sliders to change the player’s position, a slider to change time dilation and even a slider to change the weather.
A video of the mod in action can be found on the installation page as well as instructions on how to install it to your game.
Not only that but accessing Hogwarts Legacy’s photomode is a lot simpler than before as the mod adds a custom hotkey so you don’t have to enter the game menu every time you want to take a quick snapshot.
This mod and thousands of others are available for Hogwarts Legacy on PC at no cost so don’t miss out on all this extra content if you want to stop the game feeling stale.
Topics: Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Warner Bros, Mods