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Hogwarts Legacy dev skirts criticising J K Rowling, says game is for 'everyone'

Hogwarts Legacy dev skirts criticising J K Rowling, says game is for 'everyone'

J. K. Rowling's comments have been enough for some to write off the game entirely.

In the lead up to its launch, Hogwarts Legacy lurches from eager anticipation to eyebrow-raising controversies, and today's story is no different.

Hogwarts Legacy is the Harry Potter game of fans' dreams, awaited for years and years. However, over this time, author J. K. Rowling's polemic stance on transgender issues has driven some potential players away from the upcoming game. Indeed, all discussion of the RPG is banned from one major gaming forum and actor Sebastian Croft apologised for the hurt he incurred to fans in his involvement.

Avalanche Software is aware of the potential effect Rowling's comments could have on the game, and now, Hogwarts Legacy's director clarified that the upcoming game will be welcoming to everyone.

Take a look at the latest trailer for the game here:

In an interview with IGN, Hogwarts Legacy director Alan Tew responded to the statement that the game is possibly one of the most controversial releases in recent memory.

"I think for us there are challenges in every game we've worked on," he said. "This game has been no different. When we bumped into those challenges, we went back and refocused on the stuff that we really care about."

"We know our fans fell in love with the Wizarding World, and we believe they fell in love with it for the right reasons. We know that's a diverse audience. For us, it's making sure that the audience, who always dreamed of having this game, had the opportunity to feel welcomed back. That they have a home here and that it's a good place to tell their story."

When pressed on whether the author's vocal and negative opinions on transgender people affected how he felt when driving this game's development, he replied that Hogwarts Legacy is for everyone.

Hogwarts Legacy releases for PS5, PC and Xbox Series consoles on 10 February, PS4 and Xbox One on 4 April and Nintendo Switch on 25 July.

Featured Image Credit: Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment

Topics: Harry Potter, Hogwarts Legacy, Warner Bros