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Halo 7 excitement kicks into overdrive following Unreal Engine 5 teaser

Halo 7 excitement kicks into overdrive following Unreal Engine 5 teaser

Shall we join the hype train now?

We don’t have any news on what comes next after Halo Infinite - perhaps we’ll see Halo 7 - but it’s always worth being excited to see what could possibly come next.

One community creator has put together a brilliant look at what the next Halo game could look like with an Unreal Engine 5 recreation of the classic Halo map Annamite which acts as a teaser for the future.

Halo Infinite has introduced many new and returning modes across its seasons since release

Posting to Twitter, a user name UneeQ has showcased their attempt at creating the classic map within, of all games, Fortnite. Using the Unreal Engine Fornite map creator, UneeQ has made a stellar example of Halo running on Unreal Engine 5.

UEFN is a powerful creation tool that has blown Fortnite wide open with creators able to make anything they can imagine using tools from Unreal Engine 5 and if this Halo map is anything to go by, the future is bright for those using the engine.

While UneeQ hasn’t had chance to test out their map yet, the visuals are top notch and, what’s most impressive is that the map was created using assets from the Unreal Engine marketplace. And this is all done around the texture limitations of Fortnite.

All of this makes it even more impressive but it gives us an idea of what 343 Industries could do without any limitations on textures or model counts. Could the next Halo game look like this, or better?

While the future of Halo is unclear (we hope to see something at Summer Games Fest) it can only go up from Halo Infinite which landed to mixed opinions. Regardless, Halo is still a blockbuster franchise and we’re happy to set the hype train rolling.

Here’s hoping that UneeQ releases the Annamite map through Fortnite Creative for all of us to have a go.

Featured Image Credit: Microsoft, UneeQ

Topics: Halo, Halo Infinite, Microsoft, Fortnite