October is ticking away, and we’re still without a Grand Theft Auto VI reveal. In case you missed it, fans are utterly convinced that this is the month Rockstar Games will put us all out of our misery.
It kicked off when one so-called insider took to social media to announce with conviction that Rockstar Games would drop the first GTA VI tease on 26 October. We’re used to hearing these kinds of lofty claims, but then Rockstar posted a picture of the Vinewood sign with only the ‘V’ and ‘I’ prominently showing … very suspicious. Since then, it feels as if every ‘insider’ known to mankind is crawling out of the woodwork with vague promises of ‘soon’. It does fit with Rockstar’s previous patterns, considering that the game is expected to launch in 2024. In the meantime though, fans are keeping themselves busy by debating whether the franchise should venture to London.
Take a look at this incredible Vice City remaster mod below, the rumoured setting of GTA VI.
Reddit user Diamondhands_Rex kicked off the conversation, writing, “How would people like a GTA that went back to London? I like San Andreas and Vice City and Liberty City, but London would be a refreshing and grim spot to put a GTA.” It’s a suggestion that’s split fans.
“I’m not sure, GTA seems so laser focused on satirising/examining US culture,” wrote AgentOfSPYRAL, while mianbru added, “Yeah, I was just thinking about how a lot of what makes GTA fun is the satirical content. American cultural satire kind of works for a broad audience because we export so much media that people from other countries are almost as in on the joke as Americans are.”
Offering a slightly more optimistic view, ArcadianGh0st said, “Maybe if they focused on a Guy Ritchie style. Have an intimidating villain and the MCs just want to get out of a mess which may or may not be their fault. Could work for an expansion,” plus RaspberryWonderful16 commented, “Imagine trying to speed down all those tiny streets on a timed mission.
It would be cool to hear Big Ben ringing in the distance while you are punching the s**t out of random NPCs.” I’m slightly more dubious, but never say never.
Topics: Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games