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GTA 6 fan spots incredible secret that's been staring us in the face for years

GTA 6 fan spots incredible secret that's been staring us in the face for years

This has gone unnoticed by so many fans

We know that Grand Theft Auto VI is set to release in 2025 which means, assumedly, we’ll see marketing ramp up in the latter half of this year.

Given that we’re now in May, we’re rapidly approaching what I’m going to deem to be the danger zone. A period in which, given how long it's been since GTA VI’s first trailer released, it wouldn’t be unusual to see a new tease dropped.

As for what that tease might look like, I have no idea. We’re all itching to see gameplay, naturally, but it remains to be seen when Rockstar is ready to lift the lid on that.

Summer Game Fest is right around the corner but I’d warn you to temper your expectations when it comes to GTA VI.

Rockstar has always walked its own path with reveals. You need look no further than GTA VI’s trailer dropping days apart from The Game Awards, perhaps the most prominent platform for ‘world premiere’ game trailers.

That being said, this radio silence cannot last for too much longer. We’re six months on from the trailer’s launch now.

Until Rockstar rewards us with a new crumb of a tease, I can offer some entertainment in the form of a cool secret spotted by one Grand Theft Auto fan.

ICYMI: Watch GTA VI’s trailer below.

The discovery was pointed out by Reddit user Genotropism and whilst it’s a detail that may, at first, seem obvious at first, it’s thus far gone unnoticed by many fans.

“GTA logos are made around [the] story theme, not around [the] city,” the user began, explaining that the ‘V’ in GTA V represents the money-centric plotline. The stylisation of ‘San Andreas’ in GTA: San Andreas links to the game’s focus on gangs and hip hop. Vice City’s logo reflects its 80s theme … you get the idea.

It’s the same for GTA Online’s story expansions. Mercenaries has a militaristic feel, while Drug Wars is written in a font often used on shipments.

I’m sure this will get fans reading into GTA VI’s almost sun-soaked beach-themed ‘VI’ font. Genotropism makes a good point.

“Bro, you’re a genius,” one user replied. They do say you learn something new everyday.

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA, GTA 5, GTA 6, GTA Online, Rockstar Games