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GTA 6 release date to coincide with movie sequel we've waited years for

GTA 6 release date to coincide with movie sequel we've waited years for

What a combo!

First, the news came that GTA VI would be landing on consoles in 2025. Brilliant news for all. Secondly, it was announced that a film we’ve all waited so long for, will also be dropping that year. Could we see a Barbenheimer level of combo once again?

GTA VI will be here in 2025 and it feels so far away. Does anyone have a time machine?

Picture this scenario, you wake up on the launch day of GTA VI and spend eight hours cruising the streets of Vice City, getting into all sorts of trouble. You take a little snack break because you’re meeting friends at the cinema.

Another few hours as the nervous tension bubbles up in your stomach, because you just know the film you have tickets for is going to be banging.

With a bit of a sigh, you put down your controller, grab your jacket, and head out to the cinema. Your friends are waiting for you outside nervously checking their watches because you were running late. With haste, you all grab the biggest order of popcorn and rush to your screen.

The trailers are just finishing, you got there in time. You’re all sat in the row grinning like loons and the Dreamworks logo flashes up on the screen.

A familiar swamp comes into the shot and you see an outhouse, slightly shaking, fart noises emanate from within.

Suddenly, the outhouse door slams open, the music hits “Somebody once told me…” and there he stands. It’s Shrek. Next to him is Donkey.

Shrek 5 is here. We’ve waited years.

You look at your friends and notice that each of you is crying, stuffing popcorn in your mouth to hide the giddy happiness. It’s been the perfect day. GTA VI and now this, Shrek is back.

We can only hope, right? They’re both coming to us in the same year, now all we need is the studios to work together to bring us the perfect day. “Grand Shrek Auto Day.”

Featured Image Credit: Rockstar Games

Topics: GTA, GTA 5, GTA 6, GTA Online, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games, TV And Film