Grand Theft Auto fans are concerned GTA VI could cost too much money, whereas other argue it couldn’t cost enough.
GTA VI is going to be Rockstar Games best title to date no doubt but with the rumours that it could be the first game priced at $100 it could be heading towards disaster.
Regardless of how good that first trailer makes it look, no game is worth that amount of money
Sure, if you sink enough time into a game or if you just really, really like it maybe you could argue that you’d pay a ridiculous amount of your own money to experience it again for the first time, but that’s a hypothetical, if that was the case in reality it’d be a nightmare.
Despite this there are some out there who think it’d be “totally reasonable” to price GTA VI at $100, in a since-deleted Reddit thread that rubbed many people the wrong way.
As you can imagine there was a resounding “no” to this unpopular opinion, with many calling it the “dumbest” thing they’d ever heard.
“Just because an entertainment product costs a lot to make doesn't mean it's necessarily good. You're thinking there's a correlation between the money invested and the actual quality of whatever is being made but that's just false” read another comment.
Personally I think those who agree GTA VI should be priced at a higher margin are just fans of Rockstar Games, I mean can you imagine Ubisoft charging that much for the base version of an Assassin’s Creed game? There’d be riots.
Again though all of this is hypothetical as we have no idea what GTA VI will cost when it comes out later this year, and in all likelihood it’ll be sold for the same price as most AAA games nowadays.
Rockstar will make its money back and then some with initial sales and whatever microtransactions are included in the new GTA Online mode.
Topics: GTA 6, GTA, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games