I'm sure we can all agree that the next Grand Theft Auto game is going to be a big boy. A hefty chap. A real weighty lad.
Gameplay leaks and trailers (well, one trailer) have already given us some idea as to the scope of the game's open-world, but how will that translate to install size?
There's been some discussion over how much space Grand Theft Auto VI is going to take up on our consoles when it finally releases.
Some of the more wild leaks suggested GTA VI would clock in at around 750gb, though this is highly unlikely to end up being the case.
However, some fans have probably underestimated just how large the game's install size will be.
One fan recently shared what they imagine the cover art will look like for GTA VI on the PlayStation 5.
Posted to r/GTA6, it's a really impressive bit of work made by a fan who's clearly desperate to get their hands on the real thing. There's just one small problem with the box art.
If you zoom in, you can see this fantasy version GTA VI will only require 95GB of storage.
This is, of course, probably just a guess from the creator and was never intended to be taken seriously, but other fans were quick to point out 95gb install is the stuff of dreams.
“Everything is perfect except that 95GB storage is required,” one comment read.
“This size will maybe be the first day update.”
Another said: “95? Double it please.”
It remains to be seen exactly how much GTA VI will demand of our storage space, but we do know Red Dead Redemption 2 needed around 150gb, so... expect more than that.
GTA VI is currently scheduled to launch later this year. Unless it's delayed, in which case I truly believe the community will have a meltdown.
Topics: GTA 6, GTA, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games