Apparently, a second trailer for GTA VI could drop on Friday. Better huff yourself some copium, because this isn’t going to stop for weeks.
The source for this rumour could be someone’s cousin’s uncle, who works with a guy who was the boyfriend of someone who works at Rockstar Games.
Here's the trailer. From a year ago. We're waiting Rockstar.
It’s not the moon. It’s not a YouTube playlist update, either.
Regardless, the “community is about to go into meltdown” according to Reddit.
“We have already melted down like six times,” said Uncle_Andy666.
None of the comments in the thread are even remotely serious, showing that fans simply don’t care any longer.
“John Rockstar here. I confirm and promise we release trailer on Friday,” said Walter008.
There’s another John Rockstar in the guise of DaWizzurd who comments, “John Rockstar here. I had to cancel the game, too many people predicted the reveal dates.”
It does really feel like every single day, there’s a new prediction on a trailer release date.
I’m becoming numb to them. My hands move across the keyboard automatically, tabbing over to Reddit, grabbing another quip from the community.
When all I want to do is sob into a pillow as I select the first GTA VI trailer, from a yea rago, and insert it into another news article.
Isn’t this the definition of insanity? Repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome?
Am I insane? Does GTA VI even exist?
“I suspect they will also post another diamond heist update as well and send alerts that will upset us,” said Moonmanxs.
“You guys do it to yourselves,” comments another Redditor, and they’re right.
We’re all part of the endless cycle of GTA VI news, marching on blindly towards a release date and a flood of screenshots that will give us a shred of dopamine.
And if we’re let down, again, by papa Rockstar, we’ll break our backs and shovel another load of coal into the engine of the hype train.
Please sir, can we have the trailer now?
Topics: GTA, GTA 6, GTA Online, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games