With all the hype surrounding the arrival of GTA VI, it might be easy to forget about the franchise's previous entry, Grand Theft Auto V.
Well, actually, let’s be honest, no fan of the series is going to forget about GTA V anytime soon. Even after 20 years, fans are still talking about GTA III which was released in 2001 as well as the other instalments that followed such as San Andreas and Vice City.
Check out the GTA V trailer below!
Following years of rumours and speculation, earlier this month, Rockstar Games finally put us all out of our misery (kind of) by announcing that the first official trailer for GTA VI will drop sometime during early December.
In 2008, we were treated to Grand Theft Auto IV which is considered to be one of the best video games of all time, at least according to its Metacritic score of 98. Don’t get me wrong, I love GTA IV, but I certainly don't miss Roman Belic pestering me endlessly in the game.
One of the great aspects of GTA IV was its two expansions, The Lost and the Damned and The Ballad of Gay Tony. Sadly, despite the popularity of those two expansions, GTA V was never supported with added single-player content with Rockstar Games shifting all post-launch focus on the cash cow that is GTA Online.
However, as reported by Insider Gaming, along with details regarding Bully 2, it appears that there were once plans to release single-player DLC for GTA V. First spotted by Twitter account @billsyliamgta, files discovered in GTA V mentions ‘Cops N’ Crooks' DLC. Other files referred to some sort of character classes including an Enforcer, Soldier, Hacker, and more.
We can assume that this may have either been story DLC that saw the player control a dodgy cop or a character that was a victim of a dodgy cop, perhaps similar to Officer Tenpenny played by Samuel L. Jackson in GTA: San Andreas. The other possibility is that this may have been cops and robbers-inspired DLC for GTA Online. It’s been suggested that this content was cancelled following the death of George Floyd in 2020.
As for what the future holds for the GTA series, Grand Theft Auto VI is expected to be released sometime between 2024 and 2025 for PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S.
Topics: GTA 5, GTA Online, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games