Ever wonder what happened to Jack Marston after the credits rolled in Red Dead Redemption? According to an Easter egg found in GTA V, he may have lived a very different, peaceful life.
There are a number of ways that GTA V and the Red Dead Redemption games seem to be linked, if you look closely enough. It’s previously been theorised that Francis Sinclair’s father might have travelled through time from Red Dead Redemption 2’s era into GTA V’s, and is actually the Epsilon Program member Tom. That might sound like a stretch at first, but the evidence lines up surprisingly well.
Check out some of the funniest wins and fails from Red Dead Redemption 2 below.
As pointed out by fans on Reddit, one big Red Dead Easter egg found in GTA V seemingly gives us some answers to Jack Marston’s fate. In a discussion thread, one user proposed an in-depth description of the guy’s future beyond the first game: “After killing Edgar Ross, Jack travels deep into Mexico and lies low for a year or two,” they wrote. “He then heads north again, lives outdoors for a few years, and travels to Saint Denis where he gets on a boat to England. Settles down, gets married, has kids, becomes a famous author writing western tales.”
So, what evidence do we have to back this up? Eagle-eyed players may have previously spotted a book in GTA V titled “Red Dead” written by a “J. Marston”. Out of the two J. Marstons we know, well, there’s only one that this could be. Unfortunately, since the book is just for decoration, we can’t read it and find out if the theory is true, but it seems pretty likely that our guy settled down to a life of writing, although where exactly he travelled to before this (if anywhere) isn't known.
On the other hand, the book could just be a simple reference to everyone's favourite yeehaw games, but that's not nearly as fun to think about. Who knows, maybe they'll add to this theory more in the next games in the series?
Topics: Red Dead Redemption, GTA 5, Grand Theft Auto, Rockstar Games