Batten down the hatches. It appears that Take-Two Interactive has taken issue with the Grand Theft Auto IV Definitive Edition modding project that's been ticking over for the last six years and hit the developers with a DMCA notice.
While the notice was supplied anonymously, you wouldn't call Benoit Blanc out to solve the case of whodunnit. "I knew this day was coming," read a Tweet from The Definitive Edition Project, announcing the damning news. "Here we are with a DMCA by Rockstar (I assume) on our GTAIV DE patch. Well, I suppose we need to remove all GTAIV related stuff from the website."
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Last year, Take-Two Interactive targeted mods that emulated Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition (gosh, that doesn't get any easier to say, does it) so, imaginably, it's again defending its intellectual property from the nefarious actions of players who adore the game. Started in 2016, the Grand Theft Auto IV Definitive Edition project aimed to squash bugs and improve the player experience of the original. As well as Grand Theft Auto IV, the team has also had their noses to the grindstone on modding Grand Theft Auto III, San Andreas, Chinatown Wars, Bully, The Warriors and the list goes on. The Grand Theft Auto IV Definitive Edition is the only one that's been struck down at the time of writing, and as a result, the developers urge players to download the other mods while they are still available.
Topics: Mods, Grand Theft Auto