There’s nothing better than a free game, boy. That’s what I’m sure Kratos would say if he was opening this article, which he sadly isn’t, but the point still applies.
February’s free Essential Tier PS Plus games are already live and available to claim for anyone with an active PS Plus subscription. In case you missed the announcement, this month, Mafia: The Definitive Edition, OlliOlli World, Evil Dead: The Game and the Destiny 2: Beyond Light DLC are all up for grabs. Those are some pretty great picks - any GTA fans who’ve not played Mafia absolutely need to get on that, and OlliOlli World is an excellent indie which we previously gave a nine out of 10 in our review.
Take a look at the trailer for OlliOlli World below.
Anyway, for anyone subscribed to PlayStation Plus Premium, an extra freebie is now available featuring everyone’s favourite big fella with an axe. Drum roll, please - it’s a three-hour Game Trial for God of War Ragnarök! If you’ve not already picked up the award-winning sequel to God of War (2018), now’s the perfect time to give it a go and sink some time into its opening hours.
As with any Game Trial, any progress you make will carry forward to the full game if you later choose to buy it, so don’t worry about having to re-do any of it later (although the first few hours are so explosive, you might choose to do them again anyway).
If you’re totally new to God of War, fear not. The 2018 instalment is available to download and play for free for any PlayStation Plus subscribers, as it’s part of the PlayStation Plus Collection. However, Sony recently confirmed that this bonus library of freebies will no longer be available to claim from 9 May. If you claim everything in there before that date, you’ll still be able to play them with an active PS Plus subscription after the offer expires, so be sure to do that while you’ve still got the chance.
Topics: God Of War, Playstation Plus, PlayStation, PlayStation 5, Santa Monica Studio